A multi-task U-net for segmentation with lazy labels

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by Rihuan Ke, Aurélie Bugeau, Nicolas Papadakis, Peter Schuetz, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb [University of Cambridge]


  • Paper proposes a DCNN for multiclass segmentation trainable on coarse data labels combined with a very small number of images with pixel-wise annotations. – They call the labelling strategy as ‘lazy’ labels
  • Image segmentation into 3 connected tasks: detection, separation, segmentation
  • Gives accurate segmentation results even if exact boundary labels are missing for a majority of the annotated data.


  • Multi-class and multi-instance segmentation approach – split to 3 tasks: detection, separation and segmentation
  • Task 1: instance detection. – detects and classifies each object and roughly determines its region through an under-segmentation mask. Instance counting(by-product) – trained on the weakly annotated image – rough region inside each object is marked
  • Task 2: Separation of instances without a clear boundary dividing them:- trained on weak annotations
  • Task 3: Pixel wise classification of instances: requires strong annotations, which are accurate up to the boundaries – very small set is used
  • Singel DNN, jointly optimized. Based on U-Net. The same contracting path for all 3 tasks, and multi-task block for the expansive path. 
  • Weighted loss function over the samples since the mix of weak and strong annotations are present

Related Work

  • Image segmentation – k-means, snakes(curve evolution-based method), Grabcu(graph-cut based method)
  • DCNN segmentation – Fully Convolutional Network(FCN), atrous convolution(to handle spatial information with a fully connected conditional random field(CRF))
  • Fully connected CRF for post-processing
  • Common weak annotations – image-level labels, bounding boxes, scribbles and points.
  • Segmentation masks can be improved recursively

Multi-task learning framework

  • Procedure: Lazy Labels(input set of images I)
    • Select inner regions for each object in Task 1(detection)
    • Indicate scribbles on images of Task 2(separation)
    • Generate a few pixelwise labels Task 3 from Task 1 using interactive segmentation tools(Grabcut)
  • Procedure: Multitask U-Net training (Tk, si(k), k,, r)
    • si(k)- labels, k,- loss function weights for k=1,2,3, adam parameters r, minibatch size m
    • Set the 1st and 2nd momentum vectors m, v as zeros
    • Initialize multi-task U-net parameter
      • Obtain a mini-batch
      • Compute gradient
      • Optimize and return
  • In the multi-task learning setting, one aim is approximating the conditional probability
  • Model is parameterized by which determined s.t models match the desired prob distribution
  • The set of samples for segmentation(task 3) is small, so do not optimize for each individual task, but consider a joint probability

Network architecture

  • U-Net structure for multiple tasks, only one contracting path – encoder
  • On the expansive branch – multitask block at each resolution to support different learning purpose. 
  • In each multitask block, detection and segmentation tasks have a common path(same weights) but inserted an additional residual sub-block for the segmentation task. Residual sub-block provides extra network parameters to learn information not known from the detection task. 
  • The network is trained by minimizing the weighted cross-entropy loss 

Lazy labels generation

  • Data – Ice cream SEM images
  • Scribble-based labelling to obtain detection regions of air bubbles & ice crystals for T1
  • Training set 20 images. 2- manually labelled for T3, 15-T1, 20-T2. Validation set – 6 images annotated for all the tasks


  • With a small set of labelled images -> data augmentation to prevent over-fitting. 
  • Rescaled and rotated randomly and cropped. Random flipping also during training
  • Adam optimizer with lr=2×10^-4, and a batch size of 16. 


  • It’s difficult to determine exactly how much-labelled data is necessary beforehand

Link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.12177.pdf

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